Special Educational Needs: School Offer
At Captain Webb our main aim is to provide an inclusive curriculum, which is differentiated and takes into account the child’s needs and the ability to allow access to all areas of the curriculum, in line with their peers. We believe this can successfully be achieved through careful grouping and planning, informed, where necessary, by recommendations from outside agencies. We understand every child is an individual and learns in their own way, teaching methods needing to be tailored to address all learning styles.
Our school offer highlights what we are able to provide children with SEND and links strongly to our SEN policy.
Our SEND policy highlights how children are identified and closely monitored when concerns are raised about a special educational need or disability. This follows guidance from the SEND Code of conduct (2015) and links closely to Telford and Wrekin’s local offer offer
Any concerns regarding your child should initially be discussed with the class teacher, who will liaise with the SENDco. The class teacher and SENDco can then meet with parents to discuss how your child is being supported and next steps.
Early Intervention should be the basis of a school’s intervention strategy – this requires the school to complete on-going assessments in Day care, Nursery, Reception and Year 1 and to track children’s progress. It is recommend that the number of intervention programmes are limited, in order to ensure the programmes are of a high quality, well managed and have an impact on attainment.
Wave 1 – Inclusive whole class teaching
Quality First Teaching for all children. The effective inclusion of all children in daily high quality literacy and mathematics teaching.
Led by teachers, supported by TAs
Wave 2 – Targeted Provision
Targeted provision is the provision children will receive if they make less than expected progress within the wave 1 provision. It may be informed by advice from outside agencies and will require a provision map to highlight exact interventions, including baseline data to ensure progress is measurable. Children may receive some of these interventions, often in small groups, dependent on their needs.
Led by teachers or managed by teachers and led by TAs
Wave 3 Higher Needs Provision
Higher needs provision is the provision a small number of children will receive if wave 2 provision does not enable them to make consistent progress. It will be informed by advice from outside agencies and will require a detailed, individual provision map to highlight exact interventions, including baseline data to ensure progress is measurable. It is a very individual provision.
Led by teachers or managed by teachers and led by TAs
The four areas of need:
At Captain Webb we follow the SEN code of conduct (2014) to identify four main areas of need. These are:
Communication and interaction
Cognition and Learning
Social, Emotional and Mental Heath
Sensory and physical development
We recognise children may have more than one area of need and they may be inter-related.
The Telford and Wrekin local offer highlights how the Local authority strive to meet the needs of children with SEND, detailing resources and services available to those with some form of special educational need or disability:
Services available to parents:
At Captain Webb we strive to build a positive, supportive relationship with parents to ensure the best for children and their families. To help this we offer:
Termly parent Consultation days
Meetings available with class teacher / SENDco to discuss parental concerns
Provision maps shared with parents on a termly basis, and progress discussed (example provision map)
Parents kept fully informed of support children are receiving within school and from visiting external agencies
Opportunities for parents and children to contribute ideas to, and discuss provision in school
Ideas for how to support children at home
Meetings with SENDco / class teacher and parents to discuss outside agency involvement e.g. after an LSAT visit
The following services may be of help to parents requiring support
Telford and Wrekin local offer http://www.telford.gov.uk/send
Parents Opening Doors (PODs) http://www.podstelford.org/
Ican2 http://www.ican2.org.uk/ activities for children with disabilities
Pupil participation
At Captain Webb we believe it of upmost importance to keep children involved in decision making involving themselves, and decisions about the whole school. Children are fully informed of their targets and are encouraged to share their views of these and review their progress towards them. All children on the SEND register will also complete a one page profile, talking about what is important to them, what they find difficult and how they can best be supported.
Pupils have the opportunity to join the school council, where they are able to voice their fellow pupil’s thoughts and ideas. The school council meet on a regular basis, taking suggestions from their classmates to be discussed at the meetings.
Curriculum entitlement
The SEN code of practice (2015) states: All children and young people are entitled to an appropriate education, one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential. This should enable them to:
• achieve their best
• become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and
• make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training
At Captain Webb we strive to ensure all children have access to the full curriculum, differentiation being a key tool to enable this. Ongoing assessment helps teachers identify possible areas of difficulty, and so address how these can be minimised, making adaptions to ensure the curriculum is accessible for all.
We provide for additional needs in a variety of ways, including:
in class support for small groups
small group or 1-1 withdrawal
individual class support / individual withdrawal
differentiation of resources
specialised resources
Nurture support
Whole school provision map ( see attached)
school offer waves of intervention.docx
Specific facilities and access
We endeavour to ensure all children have the opportunity to access all areas of school life, ensuring they are able to meet their full potential. Disabled facilities are available in all buildings. Hand rails, ramps and careful choice of classrooms ensure access is available for all. Where needed, advice will be sought from parents and outside agencies to ensure children’s needs are being fully met.
Differentiation, resources and specialist equipment may be employed to ensure children have access to the full curriculum. Learning styles are a major consideration in lesson planning, ensuring all needs are catered for.
All children are included in all areas of school life, where needed alternative ways of working will be employed to ensure all can participate.
Outside agencies / services school liaise with
At Captain Webb we draw on the expertise of a number of outside agencies who support and advise to help us meet the needs of children identified as having an SEND. These include:
Telford and Wrekin SEN team
Fair access panel
Behaviour support Service (BSS)
Early Intervention
Learning Support Advisory Team (LSAT)
Educational Psychology (EP)
Speech and Language therapists(SALT)
Occupational therapy (OT)
Sensory Inclusion Service (SIS)
School nurse
Family connect
Bee U mental health and wellbeing service
The SENDco also regularly attends network update meetings and liaises with other SENDcos for advice and support.
Transition arrangements
When a child arrives or leaves Captain Webb School we will liaise closely with parents and the previous setting to ensure there is a good understanding of the child’s needs and how they can best be supported, including next steps.
When changing classes at the start of a new academic year children will have move up days to meet and familiarise themselves with their new teacher and class setting. If deemed necessary children may have addition move up days to support the process and build confidence. Class teachers will have detailed discussions about the children, including sharing the most recent provision map and progress made over the year.
All children on the SEND register will also complete a one page profile talking about what is important to them, their difficulties and how they feel they can best be supported. It may be necessary for the child to have an information book about their new class and faclilities to talk about it with family and so minimise anxiety before starting a new year group.
Transitions to secondary involve close liaison between the Captain Webb and the new school. All SEND information held on the child will be sent to the new school and the SENDco / class teacher will have discussions regarding the child’s current needs and next steps, including the best way to support the child. For children with an EHCP we ensure the SENDco from the receiving school is invited to the summer term annual review to gain an insight and information into the child’s needs, so ensuring a smooth transition.
Helpful links:
Telford & Wrekin Council http://www.telford.gov.uk/send
SEND code of practice
SEND Policies
Mr Chris Pilling
Tel: 01952 386770